[!] The target `SIStore [Debug - Release]' overrides the `HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' build setting defined in `Pods/Pods.xcconfig'. - Use the `$(inherited)' flag, or - Remove the build settings from the target.
# # Be sure to run `pod spec lint SIStore.podspec' to ensure this is a # valid spec. # # Remove all comments before submitting the spec. Optional attributes are commented. # # For details see: https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/wiki/The-podspec-format # Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = "SIStore" s.version = "0.0.1" s.summary = "A short description of SIStore." # s.description = <<-DESC # An optional longer description of SIStore # # * Markdown format. # * Don't worry about the indent, we strip it! # DESC s.homepage = "https://EXAMPLE/SIStore"
# Specify the license type. CocoaPods detects automatically the license file if it is named # `LICEN{C,S}E*.*', however if the name is different, specify it. s.license = 'MIT (example)' # s.license = { :type => 'MIT (example)', :file => 'FILE_LICENSE' } # # Only if no dedicated file is available include the full text of the license. # # s.license = { # :type => 'MIT (example)', # :text => <<-LICENSE # Copyright (C) <year> <copyright holders>
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # ... # LICENSE # }
# Specify the authors of the library, with email addresses. You can often find # the email addresses of the authors by using the SCM log. E.g. $ git log # s.author = { "Xiao ChenYu" => "[email protected]" } # s.authors = { "Xiao ChenYu" => "[email protected]", "other author" => "and email address" } # # If absolutely no email addresses are available, then you can use this form instead. # # s.author = 'Xiao ChenYu', 'other author'
# Specify the location from where the source should be retrieved. # s.source = { :git => "https://EXAMPLE/SIStore.git", :tag => "0.0.1" } # s.source = { :svn => 'https://EXAMPLE/SIStore/tags/1.0.0' } # s.source = { :hg => 'https://EXAMPLE/SIStore', :revision => '1.0.0' }
# If this Pod runs only on iOS or OS X, then specify the platform and # the deployment target. # # s.platform = :ios, '5.0' # s.platform = :ios
# If this Pod runs on both platforms, then specify the deployment # targets. # # s.ios.deployment_target = '5.0' # s.osx.deployment_target = '10.7'
# A list of file patterns which select the source files that should be # added to the Pods project. If the pattern is a directory then the # path will automatically have '*.{h,m,mm,c,cpp}' appended. # # Alternatively, you can use the FileList class for even more control # over the selected files. # (See https://rake.rubyforge.org/classes/Rake/FileList.html.) # s.source_files = 'Classes', 'Classes/**/*.{h,m}'
# A list of file patterns which select the header files that should be # made available to the application. If the pattern is a directory then the # path will automatically have '*.h' appended. # # Also allows the use of the FileList class like `source_files' does. # # If you do not explicitly set the list of public header files, # all headers of source_files will be made public. # # s.public_header_files = 'Classes/**/*.h'
# A list of resources included with the Pod. These are copied into the # target bundle with a build phase script. # # Also allows the use of the FileList class like `source_files' does. # # s.resource = "icon.png" # s.resources = "Resources/*.png"
# A list of paths to preserve after installing the Pod. # CocoaPods cleans by default any file that is not used. # Please don't include documentation, example, and test files. # Also allows the use of the FileList class like `source_files' does. # # s.preserve_paths = "FilesToSave", "MoreFilesToSave"
# Specify a list of frameworks that the application needs to link # against for this Pod to work. # # s.framework = 'SomeFramework' # s.frameworks = 'SomeFramework', 'AnotherFramework'
# Specify a list of libraries that the application needs to link # against for this Pod to work. # # s.library = 'iconv' # s.libraries = 'iconv', 'xml2'
# If this Pod uses ARC, specify it like so. # # s.requires_arc = true
# If you need to specify any other build settings, add them to the # xcconfig hash. # # s.xcconfig = { 'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '$(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2' }
# Finally, specify any Pods that this Pod depends on. # # s.dependency 'JSONKit', '~> 1.4' end